

Adapters are the ones that transform your resolvers code into the actual GraphQL Server. Main reason we have adapters in Axolotl is that we can write same code for resolvers and there is very low migration effort if we want to change the server library. Moreover you can run different GraphQL Engines for different parts of your graph in future.

Currently implemented adapters

How to write our own adapter

Every adapter eventually receives Record of Types with record of fields. What it does need to do is to transform from the raw http input or your framework input and provide a functions that consumes and/or runs the actual server.

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { AxolotlAdapter } from '@aexol/axolotl-core';
import { GraphQLSchemaWithContext, YogaInitialContext, createSchema, createYoga } from 'graphql-yoga';
import { createServer } from 'http';
import * as path from 'path';
import { getDirective as getDirectiveFn, mapSchema } from '@graphql-tools/utils';
type SchemaMapperInitial = Required<Parameters<typeof mapSchema>>[1];
export type SchemaMapper = (
  schema: GraphQLSchemaWithContext<YogaInitialContext>,
  getDirective: typeof getDirectiveFn,
) => SchemaMapperInitial;
export const graphqlYogaAdapter = AxolotlAdapter<[any, any, YogaInitialContext], SchemaMapper>()((
  { resolvers, directives },
  options?: {
    yoga?: Parameters<typeof createYoga>[0];
    schema?: {
      options?: Parameters<typeof createYoga>[0]['schema'];
      file?: { path: string } | { content: string };
) => {
  const yogaResolvers = Object.fromEntries(
    Object.entries(resolvers).map(([typeName, v]) => {
      return [
          Object.entries(v).map(([fieldName, resolver]) => {
            return [
              (_: any, args: any, context: YogaInitialContext) => {
                return resolver([_, args, context], args);
  const file = options?.schema?.file;
  const schema =
    file && 'content' in file
      ? file.content
      : readFileSync(path.join(process.cwd(), file?.path || './schema.graphql'), 'utf-8');
  let yogaSchema = createSchema({
    typeDefs: schema,
    resolvers: yogaResolvers,
  if (directives) {
    Object.values(directives).forEach((b) => {
      yogaSchema = mapSchema(yogaSchema, b(yogaSchema, getDirectiveFn));
  const yoga = createYoga({
    schema: yogaSchema,
  const server = createServer(yoga);
  return server;

As you may see in this yoga adapter is responsible for:

  • starting GraphQL serviers
  • merging the resolvers into yoga Object
  • reading the schema