

This is super alpha version of universal backend( or frontend if you want to create something special) framework ensuring GraphQL Resolvers and arguments type-safety.

😮 What?

Axolotl is a framework overlord/wrapper to forget about type-casting and looking into schema. With it you can just forget about those 😉

  • ⚙️ models generate runtime on dev providing type safety
  • 🏃 migrate between different GraphQL Servers
  • 🧐 write your own adapters for different purposes
  • 😂 easy to setup,start and integrate
  • 🫡 from GraphQL Editor and Aexol teams
  • 🪦 No RIP we will maintain forever

🫠 How?

Axolotl provides type-safety and it is up to you to choose an adapter (or write your own). And develop your GraphQL thing super-fast. How it runs it depends what framework you choose under the hood. I am starting with stucco adapter which is Golang compiled backend running in TS

// choose your adapter
const { applyMiddleware, createResolvers } = Axolotl(yourAdapter)<Models>({
  modelsPath: './src/models.ts',
  schemaPath: './schema.graphql',
const resolvers = createResolvers({
  Query: {
    hello: () => "World"
type Query{
    hello: String!

🤔 Why?

Writing GraphQL for backend developers is still complicated when you want to go schema-first instead of code-first. Moreover I felt like we need an evolutionary framework.

For example using apollo-server but want to switch to graphql-yoga ? No problem just change an adapter.

Want to experiment with stucco-js with Go lang core? No problem change the adapter.

Want to set up every part of your system in different graphql server with microservices?. No problem.

🤯 Graph

So you can write resolvers usually just once and then easily migrate to other GraphQL Server, Deploy, etc.

🧌 Who?

Me aexol (opens in a new tab) is the author of the lib. I was in the type-safety rabbit hole while building GraphQL Zeus (opens in a new tab) a GraphQL Client downloaded almost Million of times. While maintaining zeus and developing together with all-the-time changing TypeScript is really hard. I discovered - I can write something simpler - much powerful, that community needs, that integrates with everything - using the same knowledge.

🫂 Community

Discord (opens in a new tab)
